Diocesan Inquiry Convened

A formal diocesan inquiry into the cure of a New Zealander through the alleged intercession of Venerable Suzanne Aubert has been held in Christchurch. While the details of the inquiry together with the name of the person who has been cured are confidential and cannot be disclosed until such time as Rome advises, we can tell you that the exhaustive inquiry was held over three days last month.

The inquiry could be compared to a day in court where evidence of a cure is examined, witnesses interviewed and procedures verified. It is necessary under the Norms of the Catholic Church to investigate and test all evidence associated with an alleged miracle received through the intercession of a candidate for Sainthood.

The findings of the inquiry together with all witness statements and supporting medical evidence have now been sent to the Congregation for the Cause of Saints in Rome for further investigation and consideration.

”While not wanting to raise hopes, we are truly grateful that the circumstances of this particular case allowed for the inquiry to be undertaken and the comprehensive file to be referred to Rome for the consideration as a possible miracle through Venerable Suzanne Aubert’s intercession” said Sister Margaret Anne, the Congregational leader of the Sisters of Compassion.

” It was a humbling experience to hear of how a community united in prayer and trusting in God’s divine mercy, has been impacted through the journey that this particular family has been on”.